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The last step in the process of getting into dental school is the dental school interview. In fact, you may be vastly more qualified than any of the other applicants. You may have a competitive GPA, DAT Score and overall application. However, if you don't connect with the interviewer and help them see why you deserve to go to their dental school you may get rejected or placed on a waiting list. Remember, on average, only about 30%-40% of interviewed students will be accepted and you want to be one of them. This brief meeting is your sole opportunity to convince the interviewer why you deserve to go to dental school. You should prepare a strong, well-organized and unique presentation of your abilities and your reasons for becoming a dentist. Any weaknesses in your application should be clearly explained. In most cases it is not what you say, but how you say it.

Different dental schools tend emphasize different categories of questions. The most common categories of questions are ambiguous, dental related, academic, and social, stress-type, problem situations and personality oriented. We will examine each category in terms of sample questions and general comments.

One question that you will most likely be asked is, “why dentistry?” You need to come up with a good answer for this question. Try to keep this answer more unique than just “I would like to help patients and I have good hand skills”. Definitely do not mention any financial reason. Read your personal statement before your interview. Any piece of information written in your personal statement can be a potential dental school interview question. Be prepared to explain any experience, shadowing or situations you wrote in your personal statement. Always come with a positive attitude to the dental school interview, be truthful, honest, respectful and friendly.

Some potential dental school interview questions:

  1. Why dentistry?
  2. What sets you apart from the other candidates?
  3. How do you plan to pay for dental school?
  4. What have you improved on your dental resume since last year?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. What are your strengths?
  7. What are your weaknesses?
  8. Why should we pick you?
  9. Do you plan to specialize?
  10. We noticed you withdrew from a class, why?
  11. How do you handle stress?
  12. What would you do if a classmate sent you the answers to a test?
  13. Tell me about your research?
  14. Are your DAT scores indicative of your abilities?
  15. Is your GPA indicative of your abilities?
  16. What do you do for fun?
  17. Tell me about the W on your transcript?
  18. Why your shadowing hours are so low?
  19. What is the most memorable experience in your life?
  20. Who is your role model and why?


Prepare a clear, concise and unique answer to each key and challenging question asked in the dental school interview, learn how to convert your application weaknesses into positive advantages, prepare sophisticated questions to ask at the end of the interview, receive tips and learn winning strategies necessary for acing the dental school interview.