Call us: (786) 498 5212


A customized one dental mock interview followed by critique session based on your GPA, NBDE Scores, Resume, Statement of Purpose, extracurricular experiences, and the most common questions asked by the school for which you are preparing to interview for; all simulating the actual interview.

This Package Includes:

One, 30 – minute one on one dental mock interview conducted by iPrepDental’s dental school admissions experts.

One, 45-minute session of interview feedback analyzing your strength and areas of improvement, helping you better word your responses toward what the dental school admissions are looking for.

Instruction in preparing sophisticated and uniquely articulated responses to each of the most common questions asked during the dental school interview.

A recorded audio of the mock interview and the critique session (emailed at the end of the two sessions), allowing for unlimited review of the concepts discussed during the sessions.

Significantly improve your chances of receiving acceptance into dental school by allowing our experts to teach you the necessary tips for acing the dental school interview.
Our registration forms will be e-mailed to you (at your PayPal email) after the payment is successfully processed.
Currently Unavailable


Two sessions of customized dental mock interviews followed by critique sessions based on your GPA, NBDE Scores, Resume, Statement of Purpose, extracurricular experiences, and the most common questions asked by the school for which you are preparing to interview for; all simulating the actual interview.
* These two sessions can be used to prepare for one interview, or can be tailored to prepare you for two different dental school interviews.

This Package Includes:

Two, 30 – minute one on one dental mock interviews conducted by iPrepDental’s dental school admissions experts.

Two, 45-minute sessions of interview feedback analyzing your strength and areas of improvement, helping you better word your responses toward what the dental school admissions are looking for.

Instruction in preparing sophisticated and uniquely articulated responses to each of the most common questions asked during the dental school interview.

A recorded audio of the mock interview and the critique session (emailed at the end of the two sessions), allowing for unlimited review of the concepts discussed during the sessions.

Boost your confidence and strengthen your responses through the additional sessions and/ or prepare for multiple interviews.

Significantly improve your chances of receiving acceptance into dental school by allowing our experts to teach you the necessary tips for acing the dental school interview.
Our registration forms will be e-mailed to you (at your PayPal email) after the payment is successfully processed.
Currently Unavailable


A customized one dental mock interview followed by critique session based on your GPA, NBDE Scores, Resume, Statement of Purpose, extracurricular experiences, and the most common questions asked by the school for which you are preparing to interview for; all simulating the actual interview.
* These two sessions can be used to prepare for one interview, or can be tailored to prepare you for two different dental school interviews.

This Package Includes:

Three, 30 – minute one on one dental mock interviews conducted by iPrepDental’s dental school admissions experts.

Three, 45-minute sessions of interview feedback analyzing your strength and areas of improvement, helping you better word your responses toward what the dental school admissions are looking for.

Instruction in preparing sophisticated and uniquely articulated responses to each of the most common questions asked during the dental school interview.

A recorded audio of the mock interview and the critique session (emailed at the end of the two sessions), allowing for unlimited review of the concepts discussed during the sessions.

Each dental school conducts interviews somewhat differently. This package is ideal if you have multiple interviews and you want to be prepared for each interview with specific, yet unique responses. This package allows you to have the flexibility in scheduling each of the 30-minute interviews on different dates based on your interviews schedule.
Our registration forms will be e-mailed to you (at your PayPal email) after the payment is successfully processed.
Currently Unavailable


A 15-minute phone call from one of our dental school admissions experts the evening before or the day of your actual interview. This session will be the last bit of fine-tuning before you go out to ace your dental school interview.

This Package Includes:

A last-minute review of the most common questions asked during the interview in which you are preparing for.

We will go over a checklist to ensure that you have all the necessary documents/ information you need for your interview.

We will run through our motivational techniques and interview strategies to ensure that you are prepared to sound confident, sophisticated, and relaxed during your interview.

Our registration forms will be e-mailed to you (at your PayPal email) after the payment is successfully processed.
Currently Unavailable